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施藇涵(オリビア・シュー) Olivia Shih 2020
在拉丁文中 Lumen 代表著許多意思。它可以是光、通風井、或洞口。在生物學裡它代表著體內的空間。Lumen 同時也是測量光的單位,度數越高,光線越亮。我嘗試著用首飾的創作來淬煉出 Lumen 的涵義。
The word “lumen” carries many meanings. In Latin, lumen can mean light, air shaft, or opening. In biology, lumen is the cavity of an organ. It is also a unit of measurement for light. The more lumens a light bulb has, the brighter it is. The Lumen Collection is my attempt at distilling all those meanings into jewelry.
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